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Professional Development Strategies

10 décembre 2024

Learn how leading Canadian employers are supporting the professional development of their workers, from leadership programs to internal conferences, mentoring, and training for both technical and soft skills.

Webinar moderator Dave Hein will present key findings from a recent survey of TAC member organizations, and panelists from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways, City of Toronto and HDR will discuss their shared challenges and efforts to help employees grow and advance in their careers.


Tara Erwin, MASc., P.Eng.

Transportation Business Manager, Canada, HDR

Tara is a passionate transportation engineer who has dedicated her career to improving communities around the Greater Toronto Area. In her role at HDR, she prioritizes mentorship and soft skills to empower the next generation of planners, engineers, architects, economists and analysts.

Dave Hein, P.Eng.

Independent Consultant

Dave is a long-time member of TAC’s Workforce Development Council and chairs its Professional Development Committee. His past roles include leading the Transportation and Development Institute and Workforce Development Council of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He received TAC’s Distinguished Service Award in 2017.

Morgan Munroe

Learning and Development Coordinator, Saskatchewan Ministry of Highways

Ashley Tull-Foster, CHRP, CHRL

Manager, Workforce Development and Planning, Transportation Services Division, City of Toronto

Ashley is an experienced and passionate public sector human resources professional whose team supports the division’s strategic goals through diverse workforce solutions. She is a volunteer member of TAC’s Workforce Development Council and Human Resources Committee, and enjoys mentoring young professionals.

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