What’s HappeningNewsNew Report! On the Move: Active Transportation Initiatives Across Canada

New Report! On the Move: Active Transportation Initiatives Across Canada

October 24, 2024

Profiling Innovation and Achievement

Walking, cycling and other forms of active transportation can help address Canada’s challenges related to climate change, congestion, affordability, public health, road safety, and equity. Recognizing this, Canadian governments have invested heavily in active transportation facilities and supported programs over the last two decades.

The 23 short profiles in On the Move: Active Transportation Initiatives Across Canada reflect the commitment of Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) member organizations to technical excellence and creativity. They highlight a range of actions in response to unique local challenges, representing only a small sample of recent successes from coast to coast.  

Explore and be inspired by the report developed by TAC volunteers. The projects it showcases are listed below.

City of Vancouver, BC

  • Beach Avenue Bike Lane: A project that transformed a busy street with dedicated bike lanes, encouraging more residents to cycle safely.
  • Climate Emergency Action Plan: A comprehensive plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, leading to a School Streets pilot program and other initiatives.
  • Richards Complete Street: A showcase project featuring a protected bike lane, protected intersections, and integrated green infrastructure.

City of New Westminster, BC

  • Agnes Greenway: A green corridor that promotes walking and cycling, connecting key areas within the city.
  • All Ages and Abilities Active Transportation Network Plan: A strategic plan to create an inclusive and accessible transportation network for all residents.
  • New Westminster Secondary School Cycling Connector: A protected cycling route through a busy commercial corridor, promoting safe and active travel to school.

City of Port Moody, BC

  • Bike Route Review: A network assessment to identify locations where greater cyclist separation was warranted, and to prioritize upgrades.

City of Calgary, AB

  • Active and Safe Routes to Schools: A program to calm traffic around schools and partner with stakeholders to enable children to walk and bike safely.
  • E-Bikes and E-Scooters: Integration of shared micromobility options into the transportation system, with a focus on safety.
  • Silver Springs Neighbourhood Streets Project: A community-driven initiative to right-size a four-lane boulevard, improving safety and mobility for vulnerable road users.

Province of Manitoba

  • Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan: A provincial strategy to expand and enhance trail networks throughout the province.
  • Trails Manitoba Endowment Funds and Grant Program: A program that offers annual grants enabling trail improvements by third-party applicants.

Province of Ontario

  • Ontario Traffic Manual Book 18 – Cycling Facilities: The primary resource for bikeway planning and design in Ontario, and a useful reference for Ontario communities.
  • Province-Wide Cycling Network: A long-term strategy with rolling five-year action plans that will promote cycling and better connect communities.

City of Hamilton, ON

  • Complete Streets Design Manual: A transformative guide to designing streets that accommodate users of all ages and abilities.

City of Toronto, ON

  • ActiveTO Midtown Complete Street Pilot: A project that converted a busy main street into a multimodal corridor with protected bike lanes and enhanced public spaces.

City of Ottawa, ON

  • Booth Street Complete Street: A new complete street arterial through a major redevelopment node, linking a light rail station to regional bikeways.
  • Flora Footbridge: A pedestrian and cycling bridge that connects historic neighbourhoods in a challenging heritage context while permitting year-round canal operations.
  • Protected Intersection Design Guide: A groundbreaking guide to designing intersections that protect cyclist and pedestrian movements in a variety of contexts.

City of Montreal, QC

  • Summer Commercial Pedestrian Street Program: Street closures with expanded patios and an improved public realm, with spaces shared by cyclists and pedestrians.
  • Réseau Express Vélo: Creation of a protected cycle track network by removing traffic lanes and parking spaces, leading to safety, economic and environmental benefits.

City of Moncton, NB

  • Active Transportation Plan Phase Two: A comprehensive plan for future infrastructure with guidance for implementation, maintenance and supporting policies and programs.

Province of Nova Scotia

  • Blue Route Cycling Network: A planned 3,000-km network of cycling routes along provincial and municipal roads and abandoned railways.

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