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Special Roads: A New Chapter for the Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads

A new chapter on Special Roads has been added to TAC’s Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads. This webinar reviewed the chapter’s content and development, and offerred advice for practitioners who face different road material types across Canada.

May 20, 2020


  • Heuristics from the 1999 GDG
  • Human factors
  • Special road classification system
  • Design tables extended
  • Roadside safety
  • References to 2017 GDG added
  • Road types added
  • Braking on road surfaces other than asphalt
  • Superelevation tables for standard 3% added
  • Other resources


Henning Buch, Jacobs

Henning Buch is the author of the new GDG chapter on Special Roads. He is a senior design technologist with almost four decades of experience in civil engineering design and construction, with particular expertise in highway design, roadside safety and railway design.

He has been a member of TAC’s Geometric Design Committee since 2009, and chairs the Revisions and Additions Subcommittee.

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