Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsBest Practices for the Implementation of Shoulder and Centreline Rumble Strips (2001)

Best Practices for the Implementation of Shoulder and Centreline Rumble Strips (2001)

Synthesis of Practice No. 8
A number of Canadian provinces have developed guidelines and policies for the implementation of shoulder rumble strips. Alberta has implemented centreline rumble strips. This document provides a summary of current practices and would be of particular use to agencies looking to develop local guidelines and policies.

For ease of use, the Executive Summary has been designed to be a quick reference tool, providing an overview of the best practices and key recommendations.

Topic:Road safety
Focus Area:Safety, Design and Operations
Publication code: PTS-RUMBLE
Pages: 64
Publication year: 2001
Media type: pdf
Publication type: Synthesis of Practices
Publication date: January 1, 2001
Member price: $0.00
Regular price: $0.00