Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsUrban Transportation Indicators – Survey 2 (1996)

Urban Transportation Indicators – Survey 2 (1996)

In 1993, the Urban Transportation Council (UTC) of the Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) proposed a New Vision for Urban Transportation, describing 13 principles which point the way to desirable future transportation sysems and related urban land use. The Council reconized that periodic surveys of transportation indicators would be required to monitor progress towards achieving the Vision. To this end, a pilot survey was carried out in 1995 using 1991 as the study year and including eight urban areas. This report describes the second survey which included 15 urban areas and was carried out in 1999 for the 1996 study year.

Topic:Transportation planning
Focus Area:Mobility
Publication code: PTR-UTI99
Pages: 156
Publication year: 1999
Media type: pdf
Publication type: Report
Publication date: January 1, 1996
Member price: $0.00
Regular price: $0.00