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Synthesis of Environmental Management Practices (2014)

The Synthesis of Environmental Management Practices for Road Construction, Operation and Maintenance is a collection of environmental practices from stakeholders across Canada, synthesized to provide information on the state-of-play for environmental management.  This represents an opportunity for transportation agencies, consulting firms, contractors and regulatory agencies to learn from each other when developing or improving their own procedures, specifications, checklists, contracts, etc. 

The publication is organized into a two-volume set: “Volume 1 – Road Construction”; and “Volume 2 – Road Operation and Maintenance”.  Each volume includes a background section that describes the scope, objectives, intended use and primary audience for the document, as well as methodologies used to synthesize environmental management practices for road construction or road operation and maintenance across Canada. 

The main component of each volume is syntheses of environmental management practices (SEMPs) that are stand-alone ‘practice sheets’ which aim to avoid, minimize and mitigate negative environmental effects of road construction and operation and maintenance. SEMPs can be used by Canadian transportation practitioners to develop their own standard operating procedures, specifications, checklists and contract documents.

Disponible en français : Synthèse des pratiques de gestion environnementale (2014)


Topic:Environmental issues
Focus Area:Environment and Climate Change
Publication code: PTM-SEMP-E
Pages: 522
Publication year: 2014
Media type: ebook, print
Publication type: Synthesis of Practices
Publication date: May 31, 2014
Member price: $169.00
Regular price: $225.00