Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsSynthesis of Practice for Implementing Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation Related Projects (2012)

Synthesis of Practice for Implementing Public-Private Partnerships in Transportation Related Projects (2012)

Canada is one of the leading practitioners of public-private partnerships (P3) in the transportation sector. Some provinces have adopted this delivery format for infrastructure including hospitals, municipal buildings and detention centres. More recently, this format is increasingly used for larger transportation infrastructure projects.

As these larger infrastructure projects are completed, and as their operations and concessions begin and evolve, there are opportunities to determine if a project is successful during the implementation phase both for the public and the private side of the equation. In order to capture these relevant experiences the document synthesizes lessons learned from the implementation of P3 projects for transportation infrastructure, with a focus on roads and highways.

Most of the information to prepare this synthesis was gathered through a comprehensive literature review and from public entities that have managed or are about to implement road transportation projects using a form of P3 delivery. This publication:

  • Describes P3 projects and their key components;
  • Outlines and discusses the key steps and considerations to initiate, develop and implement transportation P3 projects; and
  • Provides an overview of the experience Canadian and American public sector agencies have gained in relation to the administration of transportation P3 projects.

Disponible en français : Synthèse des pratiques de mise en œuvre des partenariats public-privé des projets liés au transport (2012) 

Topic:Transportation finance
Focus Area:Mobility
Publication code: PTM-P3S-E
Pages: 93
Publication year: 2012
Media type: pdf
Publication type: Synthesis of Practices
Publication date: October 14, 2012
Member price: $0.00
Regular price: $0.00