Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsEffective Strategies to Influence Travel Behaviour: Practical Guide (2012)

Effective Strategies to Influence Travel Behaviour: Practical Guide (2012)

Various governments and organizations across Canada are investigating strategies to motivate sustainable travel habits among Canadians. Social marketing is one of the tools that can be used to shift long-term consumer behaviour. It emphasizes the need for a thorough understanding of target markets, motivators and barriers to desirable behaviours.

Users of this Guide will understand the need for holistic, market-based social marketing approaches to influence travel behaviour. Public and private sector organizations will also learn which transportation demand management tools are effective in their jurisdictional, community and strategic contexts.

Keywords: Traffic and transport planning; behaviour; journey to work; legislation; marketing; policy; publicity; road user; selection; textbook; traffic control; transport mode.

Disponible en français : Stratégies efficaces pour influencer les habitudes de déplacement : Guide pratique (2012)

Topic:Active transportation, Mobility management
Focus Area:Mobility
Publication code: PTM-ITB
Pages: 61
Publication year: 2012
Media type: pdf
Publication type: National Guidelines
Publication date: November 25, 2012
Member price: $0.00
Regular price: $0.00