The initiative is my personal website In our day to day life
we come across all sorts of information useful to our work and the end goal of promoting
sustainable transportation. From reading books, to visiting other places, I felt there was benefit
in sharing this with the public. I started the website at the very end of 2014, and in that short
space of time feel I have shared some valuable content.
The contribution comes in the form of blog posts sharing whatever is relevant at that moment.
For example, I prepared a write-up of some key takeaways from the CITE Vancouver
conference earlier this year. I shared my presentation ‘Travelling Safely into the Future’ from
the 2015 TAC Conference. I have visited a number of great cities and written up a review of
their transportation systems providing examples of how they do things, these cities have
included Portland, San Francisco, Barcelona and Amsterdam. A lecture on climate change
really struck home how big the problem is, I wrote up my thoughts on how transportation
planning can play its part. In each post I try to draw out the relevance to transportation planning
with a focus on the promotion of sustainable transportation. The other key component of my
website is the examples page. I often find myself talking with clients about a range of solutions
for a particular problem, the examples page provides a resource to easily show them what
others are doing.
My goal is to create a database of transportation infrastructure components that can be used
as examples by anybody across the country or the world. The content to date is just the start,
what I have gathered in the past year. Regular updates will grow the knowledge-base and
hopefully become a leading resource for Transportation Planners and Engineers everywhere.
The main goal with the website is to provide inspiration that may spark different and more
sustainable ideas in our Canadian communities, a way to learn from others around the world.
Solutions may require some adaption to implement here but the goal is to think differently and
learn from others.
Content is shared via Newsletter LinkedIn and Twitter in the hope of reaching contacts, clients
and other likeminded people and of course available to anyone that comes across it through an
internet search.