Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference PapersIssues and Challenges of “Complete Streets” Implementation on a Bridge Structure and Its Approaches

Issues and Challenges of “Complete Streets” Implementation on a Bridge Structure and Its Approaches


A 370m long bridge structure spanning a major provincial highway, a cold-water creek and its associated valley lands needed to be replaced. This 100 year old high-level bridge, a key link in the city’s transportation network, connects the city centre with the adjacent residential areas. The planning and design of the replacement bridge was particularly challenging. Considering the critical location of this bridge, traffic flow needs to be maintained at all times, even during construction. In addition, other issues and challenges were encountered related to approach roads at either end of the proposed bridge in terms of their approach curves, sightlines and grades. Traffic management during construction was also a major issue due to limited creek and highway crossing options within the roadway network.
This paper/presentation focuses on the issues and challenges faced in accommodating all modes of transportation on the bridge structure and its approaches, along with an extensive stakeholder, technical agency and public consultation that was undertaken to develop a consensus between all parties involved. Also included in this paper/presentation is an explanation of the innovative approach taken in determining the bridge alignment (staged construction) that was utilized to minimize property impacts, maintain traffic flows at all times (even during construction), and improve the alignment of the approach roads (approach curves, sightlines and grades), all with a net positive effect to the environment. Lastly, a complex traffic management plan that was developed to accommodate traffic flows during various types of bridge and highway closure scenarios is also included in the paper/presentation.

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
Transforming Infrastructure of the Past to Accommodate Traffic of the Future
Dilwaria, M.
Palomba, N.