The City of Hamilton’s Public Works Department developed the Green Fleet Implem,entation Plan in 2005. The purpose of the Plan is to present an affordable implementation schedule for replacing the City’s fleet with vehicles and equipment that are less harmful to the environment, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the use of renewable fuels and reduced engine idling. The City of Hamilton operates a large and diverse fleet of vehicles and off-road equipment and the City itself is located in an area that has persistent air quality problems. Fleets are responsible for a significant portion of the air pollutants emitted in the course of municipal operations. Vehicle engines produce almost three times the mass of carbon dioxide compared to the fuel consumed. These emissions contribute to poor air quality, which adversely affects human health, and climate change, which may have serious long-term consequences if not addressed. One objective of the Green Fleet Implementation Plan is to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and air contaminants that have the potential to harm the environment and human health. These emissions are referred to in the plan as carbon dioxide equivalents or eC02. Benefits can be measured in terms of social, economic and environmental benefits such as improved energy efficiency, cleaner air and reduced greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to a better quality of life, and making a contribution to reducing health care costs.