Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference PapersFinding Buried Treasure Through Diamond Grinding Solutions

Finding Buried Treasure Through Diamond Grinding Solutions


Many times in the past, an agency has overlaid a sound concrete pavement with asphalt concrete to improve the ride or noise characteristics. This may have been a cost-effective solution in the past, but with the recent increase in asphalt prices, this option is becoming too expensive. Current diamond grinding prices can be half the cost of an asphalt overlay and if the old concrete is still structurally functional, then diamond grinding becomes a cost-effective solution and allows for the recycling of the asphalt millings for future asphalt projects. This paper presents a case study of a project completed in 2009. The project consisted of milling off the existing nova chip surface, repairing existing concrete pavement, and diamond grinding the surface. The selection process that the New Jersey DOT used to design and undertake the project, as well as the construction issues related to completing the work on a night-only construction schedule is described. Contractors were only allowed to work Monday night through Saturday night. The diamond grinding contractor asked that the asphalt milling machines not cut into the concrete pavement. This required some Nova Chip removal by the diamond grinding equipment during the grinding of the existing concrete pavement. The New Jersey DOT successfully completed a “buried treasure” project on a difficult urban construction scenario. 

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
Daniel P. Frentress
Larry Scofield