Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference PapersAlberta Transportation Geotechnical Asset Management (GAM) Framework Development, GAM Planner Application and Pilot Study

Alberta Transportation Geotechnical Asset Management (GAM) Framework Development, GAM Planner Application and Pilot Study


Tetra Tech Canada Inc. was retained by Alberta Transportation (AT) to assist in the development of a risk-based Geotechnical Asset Management (GAM) framework and pilot study, with the vision of transforming AT’s current Geohazard Risk Management Program (GRMP) into a GAM program. The main objectives of the study were to develop a GAM framework for managing selected geotechnical assets located along the Provincial highway system, and to develop a spreadsheet tool for implementing this framework to a pilot-scale inventory of 27 geotechnical assets. The intent of the GAM framework development was to enhance AT’s ability to effectively prioritize, measure, and manage life-cycle investments in assets such as slopes, embankments, retaining walls and subgrades, based on performance expectations and risk tolerance. The GAM Framework Development and Pilot Study was undertaken in a manner consistent with the methodology and recommendations of NCHRP Report 903: Geotechnical Asset Management for Transportation Agencies (2019), which includes a supporting computational tool implemented in Microsoft Excel, that was customized as part of the project. The tool includes economic analyses based on annual monetized risk and life-cycle costs over a 50-year time period, through monetizing the asset-specific costs and benefits associated with the recommended treatment, applied in the optimal year. A collaborative and highly-interactive approach was essential to the project delivery, with AT’s Geotechnical Asset Management Specialist involved as one of the key team members during all stages of the project. The customized “GAM Planner” application provides an integrated solution for collecting, storing, and managing information on Alberta’s geotechnical highways assets, in one Excel-based application which can be used for capital planning and the prioritization of rehabilitation projects on an annual basis. The GAM Planner was modified from the original NCHRP tool, to reflect AT’s agency-specific requirements regarding inventory, treatments, inspection requirements, site-specific user cost model, risk-based life cycle plan, incorporation of monetized risk, site-specific traffic, site-specific detour length, provincial highway classification, field inspection report, and other additional enhancements.

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
Innovations in Asset Management
Waseem, Afzal
Tappenden, Kristen
St. Michel, Gary
Skirrow, Roger
Asset management