Knowledge CentreTechnical ProjectsRoad Safety Guide for Canada

Road Safety Guide for Canada

This project will develop a major national guide to complement the Geometric Design Guide for Canadian Roads (GDG) and the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Canada (MUTCDC). The guide will focus on engineering aspects while referencing the multi-disciplinary nature of road safety. It will consolidate, update and expand the knowledge contained in TAC’s Canadian Road Safety Engineering Handbook (CRaSH), a series of seven publications on road safety engineering subjects developed over the last two decades. The target audience will be employees of TAC member organizations in the public, private and academic sectors who focus on engineering but require an understanding of the broader system that influences road safety outcomes. A scoping study for the new guide, completed in April 2020, establishes key directions for the project and the anticipated deliverables.


This project will:

  • Conduct a literature review and jurisdictional scan
  • Address gaps in TAC’s existing suite of road safety publications and reference other Canadian and international road safety guides and practices
  • Draft content focused on engineering in rural and urban conditions with appropriate connections to strategic and policy issues (e.g. Vision Zero, Safe System approach, equity), management matters (e.g. governance, funding), and data/analysis tools (e.g. network screening, road safety audits)
  • Develop a national road safety guide as TAC’s third flagship document, complementing and referencing both the GDG and MUTCDC
Focus Area:Safety, Design and Operations

Project Summary

In Progress
Last Updated:
June, 2023
Responsible Council / Committee:
Safety, Design & Operations Council / Road Safety Committee
Start Date:
June 1, 2023
Expected Duration:
36 months
Total Funding Estimate:
Staff Contact:Craig Stackpole