Endowments and Planned Giving


Donations to the TAC Foundation Endowment Fund create a permanent capital pool from which interest and dividends support Foundation programs and operations. In the long term, the Foundation is working to build an endowment fund of $2,000,000.

Contributions to the Endowment Fund can be made through the regular donation form (pdf) or via a bequest, as described below.

Planned Giving

Planned Giving enables donors to support the TAC Foundation through future bequests or lifetime gifts, which will be recognized through the Foundation’s Donor Program.

The Foundation will recognize bequests and other future commitments upon receipt of written confirmation that legal arrangements for the donation have been put in place (e.g., included in the will). Following confirmation of the gift, Planned Giving contributors will be acknowledged during the year the bequest is confirmed, and the year it is received.

Unrestricted Bequest

An unrestricted (specific amount) bequest is the simplest form of giving. This can be done by including a clause in your will, such as the following:

“I give to the Transportation Association of Canada Foundation the sum of $ _______ for such use and purpose as the Board of Directors may determine to support the education and research needs of the Canadian transportation industry.”

Consult your lawyer to ensure your will is prepared correctly.

Endowment Fund Bequest

Bequests can also be directed to the TAC Foundation Endowment Fund. Interest and dividends from the Endowment Fund will ensure that the Foundation has the financial resources to fund its programs and activities. Contributing to the Fund is a great way to ensure the long-term viability of the TAC Foundation and its aims.