Asset Management Committee
This committee supports the Infrastructure and Asset Management Council. It is a centre of expertise within TAC and a national forum for sharing information and addressing challenges related to transportation asset management. Areas of interest include corporate strategy, decision-making frameworks, business processes, engineering science, software tools, sustainable asset management practices, risk management, and the communication of results.
Its goals include:
- Identifying and promoting research needs related to transportation asset management
- Supporting the development and adoption of best practices and other guidance for transportation asset management
- Advancing outcome-based asset management and decision making across asset types
Getting Involved
Committee membership is open to interested employees of TAC member organizations and individual members of TAC.
The Committee meets during TAC’s Spring and Fall Technical Meetings and at other times as needed. Employees of TAC member organizations and individual TAC members may attend; others may attend if invited by the Chair.
Tetra Tech Canada
Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors
ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd.
Yukon Highways and Public Works