Environmental Achievement Award
This award recognizes initiatives that protect and enhance the natural environment through transportation projects.
The application window is now open. Submit an abstract by November 30!
Evaluation Criteria
Environmental protection and enhancement are increased. Outcomes may be expressed in terms of resource function, quantity, ecological diversity and/or economic benefits. Applicants are strongly encouraged to include quantitative evidence of cost-effectiveness.
The initiative shows innovation within a Canadian context in areas like planning, design, construction/implementation, consultation or financing.
The initiative is relevant to other jurisdictions and offers lessons that can be applied elsewhere.
Past Recipients
To view finalist applications for this award since 2020, visit the TAC Library search page (link below) then click Browse, then select TAC Technical Achievement Award Detailed Applications.
British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
McKenzie Interchange Project
Alberta Ministry of Transportation and Economic Corridors
Alberta Wildlife Watch
Regional Municipality of Durham
Victoria Street Reconstruction and Widening
Stantec Consulting Ltd., in partnership with the Ontario Ministry of Transportation, & the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks
Stormwater Management Pond Sediment Beneficial Reuse Pilot Project
City of Ottawa
Going Green by Seeing the Greens
Regional Municipality of York
Bayview Corridor Project
Regional Municipality of York
2nd Concession Project
City of Toronto Clean Roads to
Clean Air Program
Ministry of Transportation, Ontario
Rt. Hon. Herb Gray Parkway – A Parkway in a Prairie
Ministère des Transports du Québec
Research and innovative practices with respect to pavement markings
Dillon Consulting Limited and the City of Ottawa
Terry Fox Drive, March Road to Kanata Avenue: Road Ecology Design Influences
Ministère des Transports du Québec
Drainage Management System in the Stoneham-Tewkesbury Section of the Highway 73/175 Reconstruction Project
Transportation Investment Corporation, a Crown agency of British Columbia Transportation and Infrastructure
Wilson Farm Habitat Enhancement Project at Colony Farm Regional Park
Ministère des Transports du Québec and Roche Ltée., Groupe-conseil
Environmental Monitoring Program for the Reconstruction of Highway 175 in the Laurentian Wildlife Reserve
Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Transport Canada
The Detroit River International Crossing Environmental Assessment Study
British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
The Sea-to-Sky Highway Improvement Project
British Columbia Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure
Kicking Horse Canyon Project
Nova Scotia Transportation and Public Works
Habitat Banking for HADD and Wetland Compensation: New Partnership Opportunities and Significant Environmental, Economic and Community Benefits
British Columbia Ministry of Transportation
Environmental Enhancement Fund: Achieving Environmental Sustainability for Transportation Infrastructure
City of Edmonton
Winter Street Sand Recycling Program
City of Hamilton
The Red Hill Valley Project – “More Than a Road”
Ministère des Transports du Québec
Controlling Highway Corridor Vegetation – The New Québec Approach
Calgary Transit
Ride the Wind! Project
Insurance Corporation of British Columbia
Partnerships in Winter Maintenance that Achieve Environmental and Cost Savings Benefits
Region of Ottawa-Carleton
Natural Habitat Reconstruction Associated with the West Hunt Club Roadway Realignment
Maritime Road Development Corporation
Fredericton-Moncton Highway Project
Yukon Engineering Services Inc.
Reconstruction of the Robert Service Way
Stanley Technology Group
Edmonton High Level Bridge Rehabilitation Project
Regional Municipality of Durham
Thornton Road (Regional Road 52) Reconstruction and Widening and Goodman Creek Rehabilitation and Realignment Project
Hamilton Street Railway Company
Natural Gas Bus Demonstration Project