Winter Maintenance Performance Measurement Using Friction Testing provides developments in winter friction testing and a survey of practices throughout Canada and abroad. The study investigates the approaches of road agencies related to communicating road conditions and friction levels to motorists during winter. The types of equipment used and their effectiveness based on the experience of road agencies are also reviewed.
The benefits of winter road surface friction testing include facilitating winter maintenance planning, evaluating the effectiveness of winter maintenance operations, minimizing environmental impacts, and enhancing road safety by clearly communicating friction levels to motorists.
Winter road surface friction measurement has been implemented by Finland, Norway and Sweden as a quality standard. Scandinavian road agencies found it to be a useful tool to enhance traffic safety. The study highlights lessons learned from the usage of friction measurements as well as research gaps, such as a thorough evaluation of winter friction devices; harmonization of winter friction measurement; an evaluation of actual vehicle performance on winter roads; and a selection of friction devices for Canadian applications.
Disponible en français : Évaluation du rendement de l’entretien hivernal à l’aide d’essais de frottement (2009)