Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchPublicationsSafety Performance of Bicycle Infrastructure in Canada (2020)

Safety Performance of Bicycle Infrastructure in Canada (2020)

Safety Performance of Bicycle Infrastructure in Canada characterizes the safety performance of various bicycle facility types to help Canadian practitioners evaluate the potential safety performance of new bicycle infrastructure. The report is designed as a resource document and is based on a comprehensive literature review, a series of local and international case studies, and jurisdictional and end-user surveys. It contains a facility selection flowchart that identifies issues to consider when selecting bicycle facilities and intersection treatments, and is accompanied by separate technical appendices.

Rationale: The increasing popularity of bicycling as a mode of travel in Canada is leading many jurisdictions to develop new bicycle infrastructure that better meets the safety and mobility needs of bicyclists. However, there is an overall lack of understanding regarding the safety performance of different types of bicycle facilities in the Canadian context.

The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) gratefully acknowledges the project funding partners of Safety Performance of Bicycle Infrastructure in Canada that provided financial support to both develop the report and distribute the final publication free of charge. These partners are listed in the document’s Acknowledgments.

Download the technical appendices (pdf) →

Disponible en français : Performance de sécurité des infrastructures cyclables au Canada (2020)

Topic:Active transportation, Road safety
Focus Area:Safety, Design and Operations
Publication code: PTM-SPBI-E
Pages: 114
Publication year: 2020
Media type: pdf
Publication type: Report
Publication date: November 18, 2020
Member price: $0.00
Regular price: $0.00