Knowledge CentreTechnical ProjectsBest Practices for Assessing and Mitigating Transportation Noise and Vibration

Best Practices for Assessing and Mitigating Transportation Noise and Vibration

There are many approaches to assessing and mitigating noise and vibration effects from the construction and operation of new or upgraded roads, highways, bridges and light rail infrastructure. Assessment and mitigation measures focus on sensitive receptors such as residents, hospitals, schools, daycares, research facilities, impacted industrial facilities, and wildlife including birds, bats and fish. Noise and vibration assessments conducted in Canada rely on standards developed in other jurisdictions that are not necessarily appropriate for domestic conditions.


The major objectives of this project are to:

  • Complete a jurisdictional scan of practices (building on surveys by the Provinces of Québec and New Brunswick)
  • Review costing tools, models and decision-making criteria for planning, design and mitigation options 
  • Review current performance criteria, implementation approaches and practices for planning and mitigation 
  • Develop a compendium of best practices for Canadian noise and vibration assessment methods, thresholds and mitigation

Key tasks would include:

  • A literature review
  • Surveys of agency staff, stakeholder groups and environmental specialists
  • An analysis of findings 

The final deliverable would be a synthesis of best practices for noise and vibration assessment and mitigation. It would reference PIARC’s Global Road Noise Policies and Criteria Database, and be scoped to minimize overlap with TAC’s Canadian Guide for Greener Roads.

Focus Area:Environment and Climate Change

Project Summary

In Development
Last Updated:
October, 2019
Responsible Council / Committee:
Environment & Climate Change Council / Environmental Issues Committee
Expected Duration:
18 months
Total Funding Estimate:
Staff Contact:Geoff Noxon