Transportation agencies are moving toward the development of enterprise-wide transportation infrastructure system (TIMS) or Transportation Asset Management System (TAMS). This is an opportune time to include geometric design and safety-based applications within the overall TIMS development. Alberta Transportation commenced the development of TIMS in 1996. As part of TIMS development, Network Expansion System Support (NESS) and Collision Information Application (CIA) were developed and implemented in 2007. NESS/CIA are geometric design and safety-based applications that are used for analysis in various phases of project development including capital planning, programming, planning, design, and rehabilitation phases. NESS/CIA performs highway network screening on roadway geometrics and roadway safety annually. Traditionally, geometric design and safety analysis are separate functions. Moreover, geometric design and safety applications are mainly considered at project level during the detailed design phase. The development of NESS/CIA applications enable geometry design and safety analysis to be assessed concurrently at various phases of project management. Over the past eight years, NESS/CIA demonstrated wide use applications in various phases of project development that would result in overall better and safer roads.