Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference PapersImproving Safety in a Historic Downtown Area of Winnipeg Through Infrastructure Renewal

Improving Safety in a Historic Downtown Area of Winnipeg Through Infrastructure Renewal


The North East Exchange District in downtown Winnipeg includes part of the Exchange District National Historic Site, a nationally recognized area with numerous warehousing, financing, and grain trade buildings dating from 1880 to 1913. Several of these buildings have been converted from traditional warehouses to loft style residential units over the past 30 years and there are a number of building expansions and redevelopment proposals in the area that are in the conceptual phase. Currently existing streets have wide pavements with narrow sidewalks that reflect the historical land use.
As the area resident and employee population grows, there will be increased needs for updated and upgraded infrastructure, roads, pedestrian and cyclist facilities, parking, loading, and services. The streets of the North East Exchange are getting livelier, driven in particular by a number of new restaurants opening just south of the study area.
MMM Group Limited was retained by the City of Winnipeg to develop a 10-year detailed and prioritized plan for infrastructure improvements in the North East Exchange District. These improvements included a number of safety-related components including:
a) Improved walkability and accessibility for pedestrians which includes redesigning and reallocating rights-of-way to reflect a pedestrian first approach and support on street parking to support the redevelopment.
b) Providing public transit amenities that are accessible and available.
c) Improvements to bicycle facilities to provide safe cycling environment.
d) Ensure the design conforms to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles.
The purpose of this paper will be to highlight the key safety components of the plan and how it will capitalize on every opportunity to create safe, inviting and liveable streets to support the revival of the North East Exchange District.

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
Transportation Safety and Security
Tebinka, R.
Sudeman, S.
Rosin, K.
Road safety