As part of Edmonton’s Neighbourhood Renewal Program, the City balances a variety of work
including preventative maintenance, overlays and reconstructions. Of the City’s 300
neighbourhoods, approximately 100 require full reconstruction. A long term plan to address
these neighbourhoods has been established which is the focus of this paper. This program is
unique to Edmonton and is leading the way for neighbourhood renewal in Canada.
From 1995 to 2016, 34 neighbourhoods have been reconstructed and currently there are plans
to complete or start reconstruction on more than 60 by 2028. To finance this work various
funding sources are utilized including local improvements paid by property owners, general city
taxes and other government funding for a total of approximately $100-$120 million dollars per
year depending on a specific year’s reconstruction program.
To deliver the neighbourhood construction portion of this program, the City of Edmonton enters
into long term contracts with contractors that are typically six years in length consisting of three
neighbourhoods per contract. These contracts were developed in consultation with the Alberta
Roadbuilders and Heavy Construction Association (ARHCA) and contain clauses that address
the fluctuations of rack oil price and other industry pricing within the custom developed
Neighbourhood Renewal Price Index (NRPI). To assist in delivering such a large program each
year and over the long term, financial incentives through site occupancy assessments are also
included in each contract. This ensures that the overall commitments in a neighbourhood are
In 2017, there will be work in twelve neighbourhoods through eight active long term contracts
and one standalone contract with overall project budgets totaling approximately $120 million.
Depending on the size of a neighbourhood, reconstruction will be scheduled over two or three
years. The scope of work includes removal and replacement of sidewalks, curb and gutter,
streetlights and roadway reconstruction typically through full depth reclamation. Other
neighbourhood improvements that consider all modes of transportation are also implemented as
part of the program such as missing link sidewalks, bike corridors, school zone safety features
and traffic calming measures.
The program provides many benefits to a wide range of stakeholders. This includes the City as
a whole through improvement of City assets, residents through improvements directly adjacent
to their properties and to their communities and the consultants and contractors involved in the
work by providing secure work into the future.