Knowledge CentreTechnical Resources SearchConference Papers4th Avenue Flyover Project Overview

4th Avenue Flyover Project Overview


As a demonstration project of the Pedestrian Strategy, The City of Calgary collaborated with students from Langevin School, the University of Calgary’s Landscape Architecture program, the Bridgeland Riverside Community Association (BRCA), Calgary Drop-In Centre and other stakeholders to imagine how the space beneath the 4 Avenue flyover could become a valued community space and walking corridor. The project involves piloting innovative technical measures (transportation, art and bioretention) and non-traditional engagement and design approaches under the umbrella of placemaking and tactical urbanism.
Delivery of the project involved aligning City of Calgary and community goals with elementary and graduate school level curricula. This coordination was essential to allow participating students to gain unique opportunities over traditional classroom learning. Some of the opportunities were:
University of Calgary: graduate students led design charrettes with elementary students to
capitalize on imaginative solutions. They also had the opportunity to present their concepts at a
City-led community engagement process and to a mixed panel of City and industry experts. Two

students were hired following through the summer to finalize a preferred concept from the favoured components of the six designs.
Langevin Science School: the grade six curriculum covers forestry, democracy and city shaping, as well as writing and showing data. Special accommodation was made on the project to coordinate with The City’s urban forestry group to learn about tree selection in particularly near streets that experience high salt spray in winter months. Opportunities were also made for the students to meet with their local Councillor and present alongside City staff at Calgary Planning Commission.

Conference Paper Details

Session title:
2018 TAC Educational Achievement Award
Chapman, J.
Education, Human resources