This project involved uses strategic and tactical performance prediction modelling software that considers surfaced road condition data (distresses, severities and extents), treatment costs, maintenance costs, treatment life (deterioration curves), allocated budget and maintenance performed on road segments to enable Parkland County, Alberta, Canada, to integrate the road rehabilitation and maintenance programs into an optimized preservation program. The optimized preservation program developed leads to the process of developing Parkland County’s rolling capital road program (called the Job Jar). The paper covers some of the technical and organizational aspects of how this three year asset management project was developed and implemented. The project was successfully completed in 2010 and implemented in 2011. Through applying this process to create the Job Jar, Parkland County’s Engineering Services Department is able to meet Parkland County Council’s Strategic Goal of; “Maintaining high quality infrastructure that will ensure sustainable growth of the County.” The paper discusses: How performance prediction modelling software was used to develop the performance prediction models (both strategic and tactical models) over multiple years, The details of using information from the strategic and tactical modelling to develop a prioritized three year rolling program or the Job Jar, Linking of the Job Jar to a specific strategy for the Parkland County’s surfaced road network, Developing the documented business processes to define the employees’ and the organization’s roles, responsibilities and timing of the annual processes to ensure the Job Jar can be presented during Parkland County’s annual budget presentation.