Saskatchewan Highways and Transportation (DHT) manage an extensive provincial highway network that supports Saskatchewan’s economic and social well being with exports generating approximately 67% of its GDP. New construction, preservation of the existing asset, safety, and other pressures compete for limited funds. To manage the preservation of the granular and paved highway system, the department employs an Asset Management system, developed by Vemax Management Inc., as a tool to facilitate network level, project level, and day to day decisions. The purpose of this paper is to describe the annual Asset Management process used by DHT to manage the granular and paved networks. A high quality Asset Management system allows DHT to monitor and predict pavement performance and allow decision makers to make informed decisions on future funding decisions. The paper will describe the steps required for a complete annual cycle, as described below: 1. Condition Data- DHT uses condition data in the modelling process. Processes must be in place to ensure data is reliable, repeatable, timely, and fit for purpose. 2. Model Development- To ensure reliable prediction models, standards and processes are required for maintenance work, treatment costs and model inputs. 3. Network Level Scenarios- Decision Makers require scenarios that take into consideration funding envelopes, network priorities and growth issues. 4. Funding Request and Executive Direction- DHT is required to submit its requirements to DHT Executive to seek funding. 5. Project Level Planning- Project-level scenarios are developed, reality checks are conducted, and final projects are scheduled to form a preservation program. 6. Maintenance Management System- Work from previous steps is incorporated into detailed work plans for over 90 section crews. 7. Performance Measures- Once the preservation program is completed, performance measures are in place to analyze planned work versus actual work. This analysis may also include recommendations on potential changes for the next asset management cycle. The above seven steps are the key components of the annual process. This annual process incorporates asset management principles and DHT business practices, which enables the department to improve programming, planning, management and predicting performance.