“Non Roof”. Credit 7.1 requires that at a minimum 50% of the hardscape (roads, sidewalks,
courtyards, and parking lots) be constructed using materials having a Solar Reflective Index (SRI)
value of 29 or higher. LCAP is a process of designing and constructing asphalt pavements that
meet this SRI requirement. The purpose of the development of LCAP is to provide developers
looking to achieve LEED certification with a paving alternative that provides performance that is
equivalent to conventional asphalt pavement, but that will also meet the requirement of LEED
Credit 7.1.
LCAP process includes aggregate selection, asphalt mix modification, placement of asphalt mix,
stripping of surface asphalt film from new pavement, and evaluation of reflectivity of aggregates,
mixes, and in-place pavements. The very light colour aggregate from Coco’s Badgley Island
Quarry is a suitable material for LCAP. Conventional new asphalt pavements have an SRI of
about 5, and weathered asphalt pavements have an SRI of about 10. There are coatings and
epoxy binder mixes available in the market that can be used to increase the SRI of asphalt
pavements; however, these technologies are quite expensive, approximately five times more
expensive than conventional asphalt. In the LCAP process, the required SRI should be achieved
at somewhat increased cost for the final lift of asphalt only, significantly lower than current
technologies available on the market.