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Integrating Health and Transportation in Canada

February 25, 2020

Transportation systems are vital to the achievement of Canada’s public health objectives in the areas of physical activity, chronic disease, and exposure to air and noise pollution. TAC’s new publication Integrating Health and Transportation in Canada offers recommendations for transportation planners and engineers to help build public health in Canada, based on international best practices and input from dozens of practitioners. This webinar offerred an overview of the study’s methods, findings and recommendations for next steps.


Jim Chapman, Urban Design 4 Health

Jim has spent 20 years helping governments and non-governmental organizations to better understand the interactions between land use, transportation, air quality, climate change and public health. He supports clients with objective information and innovative tools to build better communities.

Cailin Henley, Alta Planning and Design

Cailin works on active transportation education and encouragement programs across North America. She uses her experience as a public health practitioner to elevate the discussion around health, equity and behavior change.

Kate Whitfield, Alta Planning + Design

Kate is a Principal with Alta in Ottawa, Ontario. As a Professional Engineer and Professional Planner, her work focuses on active transportation, complete streets and community building across Canada.

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